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The Answers You Need

When should my puppy eat?

We feed them with Victor High Pro Plus dog Food. All our dogs and puppies are free fed. It is  important to do the same thing. Don't restrain the food of your puppy  Your puppy is young and growing and will have days when it will eat a lot and others not so much. If you do choose to switch foods please do not do it in the first month. The puppy has had enough change by moving to a new home. When/ if you change the food, do it gradually and mix the old food with the new food.

How can I help my puppy adjust to his new home?

 Your puppy is accustomed to sleeping with siblings and his mother. The first few nights will be an adjustment for the little one, they just lost their mother, siblings , us and the environment that they're used to, so yes, they will certainly whine ( a puppy is like a newborn, they will whine and need to learn everything like potty-training ). To help your new puppy, warm a blanket or towels in the dryer and place them in the sleeping area to help with the transition along with the blanket with the scent of his mother that we will give to you. A stuffed animal often helps as well. If you want to purchase something to help with the transition, I recommend the SNUGGLE PUPPY, it works great most of the time.

Is my home safe for a puppy?

Much like a new born baby, a puppy will explore the surroundings using his mouth. He will chew. and it is important that he does not have access to anything that may harm him. They love electrical cords. Get on the floor and look for any small objects or anything that may harm the puppy if it were chewed. Around the age of 6 months old they will lose their baby teeth and chewing will increase until all teeth have been lost. Sometimes they experience a period of biting where you are their chew toy. Have patience... it doesn't last long, but you will need to redirect them or give them a frozen washcloth to help with teething pain.

Do I need to take my puppy to a vet?

YES. While all puppies are seen and cleared by my vet prior to going home, it is your responsibility to get them to your vet to get reassurance they are healthy. This appointment should be made before picking up the puppy and planned to be within 3 business days of bringing them home.

Crate Training

We highly recommend play pen training instead of a crate. This establishes a safe space for your puppy when you can't have eyes on him. He will learn to find comfort and have time to process everything he has learned that day. With patience, you and your puppy will both learn to appreciate the security of a pen. This is not only for night time. Short breaks in the pen during the day can lead to a calmer, more well-behaved dog.

potty trainning

Always take them out the minute they come out of the pen, 10-15 minutes after eating, drinking, after any nap, and before putting them in the pen.
We have had great success using doggy door and most of our puppies are already used it at 100% when they leave our house, If you don't have a doggy door it will greatly help you anyway to train him/her since your puppy is already trained to do his business outside. If you want the puppy to  Potty in a certain area then take him on a leash to that area as soon as you go out and give the command "go potty" when they go, act like it is the greatest thing since sliced bread and go bananas with belly rubs and praises.

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