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Spay/Neuter Contract

Print sign and send it back to us when you purchase a puppy that need to be ship.

Permanent ownership of this dog is contingent upon your compliance with this Addendum.  The Breeder must receive proof of the spay/neuter procedure having been performed no later than the female/male becoming 8 months old for medium/small breed and 12 months for large dog like Newfiedoodle/Saint Bernedoodle.  Proof must be received within fourteen (10) days after completion of the surgery.  This  can be in the form of a Certificate of Spay/Neuter or an invoice from the veterinarian showing the procedure has been completed. In the event the dog’s health does not allow this agreement to be honored, Breeder must be provided with a statement from your veterinarian that this dog is not yet in physical or emotional condition for surgery. Based upon the veterinarian’s evaluation of this dog the Buyer will contact the veterinarian and establish the earliest date that the procedure can be performed.  The Buyer will notify the Breeder of this amendment in writing, at which time all other conditions of this contract will apply and be enforced.

It is the responsibility of the Buyer, not the veterinarian, to ensure that the Breeder has received verification that the surgery has been performed.  Failure to comply with this contract by the date below, unless otherwise agreed to in writing, will be considered a breach of the Contract.  The Purchaser will be liable for $6000.00.  In addition, it will result in the Health Guarantee being null and void.

By signing below, I the Buyer agree to have this dog spayed/neutered by no later than ____________, and I understand that this contract is an agreement that this dog will not produce a litter of puppies either as purposely bred or by accidental breeding.  If a pregnancy occurs whether purposely or accidentally, the Buyer agrees to pay the additional cost for a breeding dog, which is $6000.00. 

PLEASE NOTE: Research suggests that spaying and neutering before 12 months of age adds to the risk of hip and joint problems. Any spaying or neutering before that time voids the guarantee.


Note:  Upon signature completion, this contract will become a legal and binding document, as agreed by Buyer and Seller.If the need should arise to settle any legal disputes concerning this puppy, buyer agrees to have all proceedings conducted in Hillsborough County, Florida


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